Location & Gardens 

Langley Demonstration Garden 

Since 1992, the Langley Demonstration Garden has welcomed visitors of all ages to enjoy the garden and to learn about sustainable gardening techniques.

A partnership between the Township of Langley and the Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS), the Demonstration Garden was relocated to Derek Doubleday Arboretum in 2013. With a shelter and picnic tables, the Langley Demonstration Garden is a beautiful place to enjoy a picnic. It also hosts a number of annual events such as the Blackberry Bake Off.

Willow Garden

In the fall of 2014, the ABSL and the Township of Langley planted 1,800 willow whips around a small stormwater pond at Derek Doubleday Arboretum. 

Seven species were selected whose stems are commonly used for basketry and other crafts. Once this hedge is established, we plan to host craft workshops at the Arboretum using annual new growth from the Willow Garden.

Dyer’s Garden

Anyone who has ever cooked with Tumeric knows that it can leave your fingers in a colourful state! In fact, plants were, and still are used to make natural dyes. Many of these plants also look fantastic in the landscape. The Dyer’s Garden has evolved rapidly since in was planted in 2014. We started with only 12 plant species, but that number will rise to over 45 by 2021! Once the garden matures, we hope to host annual workshops that teach people of all ages how to dye fabrics naturally.

Beverly Anne Clay Rose Garden

A gardening enthusiast and pioneering plant lover, Bev Clay and her husband Les established and operated Clay’s Nurseries in South Langley where they developed Rhododendron hybrids, including the “Langley Tranquility.” An active member of the Fraser South Rhododendron Society, she was also an avid baker and knitter who helped the homeless with her baking and sewing projects through the United Churches of Langley. Born April 25, 1938, Bev, a dedicated mother and grandmother, passed away on December 14, 2018. The Beverly Anne Clay Rose Garden was dedicated by Township of Langley Council on July 7, 2019. All the roses in this garden were donated by Brad Jalbert of Select Roses, who knew and was inspired by the Clays since he was a child.

David’s Bird Garden

This garden in memory of David Truman shares his love of birding and our natural world. David was a past president for the Univeristy of Guelph student council, a leader for Scouts Canada and served on the executive of the local riding executive for his favourite political party. As a member of the Rotary Club of Langley, David contributed his time and talents to many Langley community projects. He loved to visit Derek Doubleday Arboretum and was proud to see the Rotary Interpretive Centre finally built through the efforts of Rotary members and the Township of Langley. David’s favourite jacket shared the message of Rotary wherever he went.   Many thanks from David’s family to the Arboretum and Botanical Society of Langley and the Township of Langley for making this wonderful garden a reality. Whenever David flew, he loved to sit in the window seat and look down at the world below. He would be very pleased to see this beautiful park and gardens right here in Langley.

Les Clay Rhododendron Garden